Are all the items being sold new?
Most items listed on the site are new and in original packaging. Occasionally, we will sell refurbished or wholesale packaged items, which allow us to offer even greater savings. The item's condition is listed in the "Specs" section of the page.
Can I get an email to notify me when new deals become available?
Yes, all you need to do is create an account and sign up for our newsletter or type your email address in the field on top of the daily deal and click summit.
How can I view my order history online?
Log into your account by clicking on the “my account” link on the top right corner of the page. This is where you will be able to find all of your account information, including your order history.
Does ITechDeals.com ship internationally?
No, we only ship in the United States.
How can I track my order?
You will receive an email with the tracking number of your order as soon as it ships. You can also track the status of your order by logging into your account online.
How can I contact ITechDeals.com?
Email us at support@itechdeals.com and we will get back to you, usually within one business day.
How do I create an account?
Click on the “Register” link and follow the steps to create your account.
How soon will my order ship?
Most orders ship within five business days but some can take longer. You can check the status of your order by logging into your account online.
What should I do if I forgot my user name and/or password?
Click “my account” which is located on the top right corner of the page and on the next page links to help you recover your user name or password.
Is there a maximum amount I am allowed to order?
Each deal is different and you can see the maximum amount allowed in a drop down menu on the checkout page. Usually the maximum allowed is ten per person.
What if I missed a deal?
Sorry, if you missed the last one, you missed it. All deals are only available for a limited time and once a deal expires it is no longer available.
What Is ITechDeals.com?
ITechDeals.com is a daily deal site for the latest and coolest tech. We feature one amazing deal in each of our categories. Each deal lasts for 24 hours and we post our new deals every night at midnight EST.
What is ITechDeals.com's return policy?
ITechDeals.com does NOT accept returns. If you receive a defective item you must notify us by clicking here or by clicking the “Contact” link at the bottom of the page within 14 days of receiving the item for an exchange. Please include your order number, the name of the product, the date of purchase, and the issue you are having with the item. If the item is out of stock we will issue you a full refund.
What payment options does ITechDeals.com accept?
We accept Visa, Master Card & PayPal (we hope to be adding more payment methods in the near future).
What should I do if my card was declined when placing an order?
You need to contact your bank. We are not able to help with any credit card issues.
Can I combine shipping if I’m ordering more than one item?
No, we charge a shipping fee for each item ordered.